Sailun Shenyang TBR plant starts production

Author: Huaantire 【 Reserved 】 2020-11-13

Sailun Tire opened a truck and bus radial tyre plant in Shenyang recently.

Sailun said despite the pandemic has impacted the global economy, the company continues to push ahead with its decision for the 3.3 million TBR second-phase addition to the Shenyang factory as it is part of the company’s strategic development plan to meet market demand.

The commissioning of the plant took just over 230 days to complete, breaking the “Sailun Speed” record once again.

The expansion of the Sheyang factory is a key part of Sailun Group’s “Make Great Tyres” mission and another step towards achieving the strategic goals of technological autonomy, smart manufacturing and brand internationalization. Stay tuned for more news about Shenyang factory, “Eco-Rubber Cloud” and more as this year comes to a close.


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